Plant Finder: in Kiosks / Websites

Nick Haydon at Fakenham Garden Centre

“We’ve so far found many benefits of using the Plant Finder on our website. For example, when a customer phones in with a plant-related question, we talk through how to find and use the Plant Finder, highlighting the way each plant is explained in terms of care, features and placement. We also go through how the customer can use the various search functions to find the right plant for them and the space they wish to fill.

“And, if our plant experts are not on hand to answer specific plant questions in store, our other staff members can use the Plant Finder Kiosk to help with customer questions or queries. Our landscaping and design team also use it to design plant schemes for clients’ gardens too, so it has many uses across departments.”

Nick Haydon, Fakenham Garden Centre

Contact us to add our Plant Finder to your website or store

Plant Area Kiosks

Add a “Plant Team Assistant” to your Plant Area!

Now, both customers and staff can quickly find the plants you stock that match customer needs.

The ‘Plant Finder’ Touchscreen Kiosk lets them find plants that you sell, whether by name, or by browsing groups, or by any criteria – colours, soil, shady conditions etc.

Photos, full descriptions and care info are provided for 16,000+ UK plants.

Give your Plant Area the perfect “Plant Team Assistant” – from £545/year per store + setup

Option with automatic Care Product recommendations for almost every plant: £710/year

Kiosk hardware

Kiosks are supplied ready to go by our hardware partner:

Joy of Plants kiosk supplier

Free option: kiosk shows local business ads shown when the Plant Finder is not in use.

– Option to buy: May 2023 prices:
43” Touchscreen: 2290
32” Touchscreen: 1695
21” pedestal: 945
NB the Government’s 2023/24 budgets include a 100% capital allowance for plant and machinery including IT equipment. Read about it here and check with your accountant.

Plant Finder on Websites

‘Plant Finder’ is also available as a web plug-in, making your website a GoTo destination for finding plants that match a customer’s needs (and guiding them to matching plants that your company sells.)

Plant Finder setup is quick & easy

We just:

  • Select your colours, logo, fonts etc.

  • Match the list of plants you sell to our database, using our clever online tool.

We’ll do it all for you to get you up and running, and afterwards you can change things anytime at

There’s an online user guide in the Hub too, with tips on making a successful roll-out to staff and customers.

And for websites: your web developers paste a few lines of code (that we supply) into your website page, and the Plant Finder appears.

Contact us to create your account & set up your Plant Finder


- - - Browsing by Group, from the Home page:

Joy of Plants Plant Finder screenshot

- - - Finding plants that match your criteria:

Joy of Plants Plant Finder screenshot

- - - An example plant page:

Joy of Plants Plant Finder screenshot

See for yourself: Look up plant info, on clients’ websites

Our Plant Finder has given leading UK Garden Centres a “GoTo” online presence for plant info. Look up plant info (and check out the Plant Finder) on some of their sites, such as:

Blue Diamond Garden Centres - Plant Finder

Klondyke Garden Centres - Plant Finder

Haskins Garden Centres - Plant Finder

Fakenham Garden Centre - Plant Finder
