Links from Joy of Plants
Here are some web resources and organisations we recommend. |
Dura-id Solutions
Suppliers of printers, bed card blanks and other plant labels
Bluepoint Tags & Labels
Suppliers of bed card blanks and other plant labels
Sign-holders.co.uk The Green Magic Online Shop
Specialists in point-of-sale display for garden centres and equipment for retailers.
The 'Joy of Plants' Bed Cards are designed to fit the Green Magic bed card holders.
Tyne Moulds and Machinery
Suppliers of bed card holders and other plants labels
Anglo Scottish Packaging
Supply metal bed card holders and horticultural labels
Alyson Haywood
Garden Centre Business Improvement & Development.
Alyson Haywood has 25 years of knowledge and experience in the horticultural industry, and is an independent improvement and development expert able to assist businesses across the UK.
Contact Alyson if your horticultural business needs help to grow and prosper. |
Riverways reindeer rental
Riverways have seven friendly male reindeer. They are available for all types of events. They make a great attraction for garden centres at Christmas.
CSY Retail Systems
First class suppliers of EPOS systems.
Joy of Plants is collaborating with CSY to link 'Joy of Plants' Plant Information Services to CSY's Vector EPOS system, so their clients can enjoy a host of benefits, including sending plant care information to loyalty scheme customers when they buy plants.
The Kitchen Garden Magazine
Down-to-earth advice for growing fruit & veg Incorporating Grow It! magazine
Garden Organic
At Garden Organic we believe that organic growing is the best option to protect our food supplies, environment, health and wellbeing. Through research, community work, campaigning and advice we strive to get as many people growing organically as possible.
Gardening With Wildlife In Mind
Gardening with wildlife in mind aims to help people choose plants likely to attract wildlife. It also shows what eats what in the garden.
Joy of Plants supports Gardening with Wildlife in Mind by hosting and maintaining their website for them.
Institute of Horticulture
The Institute of Horticulture is the authoritative organisation representing those professionally engaged in Horticulture in the UK & Ireland.
Grow - the website for Horticulture careers info
Working with plants, from designing and building a new city park to developing new food crops can be incredibly rewarding and there is a wealth of career options to choose from. GROW Careers is your starting point to find out more.
The David Colgrave Foundation
The Foundation's objectives are the "promotion of education and research into ornamental horticulture". Thus far, the Foundation has provided scholarship funds for many students at horticultural colleges across the UK and Northern Ireland, as well as through the support and sponsorship of several named and sponsored scholarships.
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Berkshire College of Agriculture
Full time and part time courses for Gardening, Horticulture, Garden Design and other Land based studies.
Joy of Plants provides QR codes to BCA for plants in their teaching garden.
Bumblebee Conservation Trust
Working towards the prevention of extinction of UK bumblebees, a long term future for bumblebees, the protection, creation and restoration of flower-rich habitats, and an increase in the understanding and appreciation of bumblebees.
The British Beekeepers Association
The BBKA was set up in 1874 to promote and further the craft of beekeeping and to advance the education of the public in the importance of bees in the environment. It is the UK's leading organisation representing beekeepers.
The Cottage Garden Society
The Cottage Garden Society (CGS) is an informal and friendly society of about 4,000 members in many countries, though most are based in the UK. It brings together amateurs and professionals who share an enthusiasm for this type of gardening.
The British Cactus & Succulent Society
The principal objectives of the BCSS are to promote the study, conservation, propagation and cultivation of cacti and other succulent plants.
Membership of the Society is international and open to all. We currently have about 3,000 members and this includes a whole range of interests from novice window-sill growers to experts.
The Carnivorous Plant Society
The Carnivorous Plant Society is a registered Charity, founded in 1978 with the aim of bringing together all those interested in carnivorous plants, both beginners and experts. Membership is open to all individuals and institutions, both amateur and professional.
The Maple Society
From Japanese Maples, through Europe to the Oregon Maple - the Maple Society is the international society for all acer enthusiasts and experts.
The Birmingham & Midland Orchid Society
Please explore our site for more information on the BMOS and Orchid care, as well as links to external Orchid websites.