
“Nick Haydon, Fakenham Garden Centre”
Plant Finder results
Nick Haydon reports
“...many benefits...”
Nick Haydon, who manages Fakenham Garden Centre, said:
“We introduced Joy of Plants’ Plant Finder software two years ago and our plant department page on our website is now one of our most visited, along with the coffee shop and our opening hours sections. Previously it didn’t get much traffic, but now it comes in each month at either second or third after the coffee shop and opening hours, which is fairly significant, as you’d expect those two pages to be top anyway. So, it's performing better than all the other pages.
As well as using the Plant Finder on our website and buoyed by its success, we also installed, 11 months ago, two freestanding, Joy of Plants’ Plant Finder touchscreen kiosks in our shop and outdoor plant area, labelled up as customer information points. These provide an easy way of giving customers further information about the plants we have on display.
It also helps staff and customers pick plants for their specific requirements. It’s also useful for our non-plant, in-store experts, as they can stand in front of the screen with customers and clearly talk about each plant as required.
Customers feel unpressured when looking at plant details, as the screen isn’t all about the hard sell, but instead gives useful and invaluable information to the gardener. Also plant lists can easily be created by customers and sent directly to our plant manager by email, and we have definitely picked some business up here.”
Nick added: “We’ve so far found many benefits of using the plant finder on our website. For example, when a customer phones in with a plant-related question, we ask if they have access to the internet. We then talk through how to find and use the plant finder, highlighting the way each plant is explained in terms of care, features and placement. We also go through how the customer can use the various search functions to find the right plant for them and the space they wish to fill.
And, if our plant experts are not on hand to answer specific plant questions, our other staff members can use the plant finder to help with customer questions or queries. Our landscaping and design team also use it to design plant schemes for clients’ gardens too, so it has many uses across departments.”
Plant Finder 2
Touchscreen Kiosk
The “Plant Team Assistant”
Add to your Plant Area
Guides customers to choose plants you sell
Answers customer queries
Advertises your menus, events, offers etc when Plant Finder not in use
('Plant Finder 2' is also available as a plug-in for your website)


“A picture sells a thousand plants”
Print your own
Bed Cards
The “Silent Salesforce”
Print when you need them
Outdoor blanks (PET/PVC recyclable)
On laser and inkjet printers
Pay As You Go, or subscribe
14,000+ UK plants

Print your own Bed Cards & point-of-sale wth your logo & colours
See our demo here
Register online here

Touchscreen Kiosks & plug-in for websites Plant Finder / Encyclopaedia with plant care
See our demo here

iOS, Android & other phones & tablets Make your staff plant experts
See our demo here

For e-commerce & websites Plant photos & descriptions

For labels & point-of-sale
See our demo here
The 'Joy of Plants' database & plant image library
We have over 14,300 popular & successful outdoor and indoor UK plants published in our extensive database & image library. Our plant database includes the following types: annual, bamboo, biennial, bromeliad, bulb, cactus, carnivorous, climber, conifer, fern, fruit tree, grass, heather, orchid, palm, perennial (herbaceous), rose, shrub, soft fruit, succulent, tree, vegetable and weed.
Every year we publish new plants and update our database from garden industry and expert sources, so our information is accurate and up to date.
RHS AGM Plants Our database includes details of plants with the RHS Award of Garden Merit, so you can search for AGM plants in our Plant Finder and Apps.