Print Your Own Bed Cards


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Why use 'Joy of Plants' Bed Cards?
Save time, money & reduce waste by printing your own bed cards when you need them.
Easy to get started - requires internet browser Chrome (free to download), and your own desktop printer.
No software installation or staff training needed - easy to use web-based tool can be operated by any member of staff – just login, choose your plant & print.
Works with existing bed card display systems - choose your bed card size: 8"x6" for "label tracking", A4 & A5 for other bed card holders.
Large and growing database (14,300+ UK plants) - you can tailor our bed card content if you need to, or add your own bed cards. Share bed cards with & from our other clients.
Print options: We recommend printing on either Dura-id Inkjet PVC 300μ bed card blanks, or Bluepoint Tags & Labels PrinPlas 320 bed card blanks, both for modern Epson inkjets (with DURABrite inks). The printer we use is the Epson WF-5110 though there are many other models available. Bed Card printing requires the printer to use Epson Durabrite inks, have a manual paper feed and be able to print on paper weights up to 330 gsm.
Or print on Xerox 'Never Tear' paper for colour lasers, or polyester bed cards on OKI printers. Or just print on paper & laminate.
Some of our customers printing their own bed cards... come and join them.


Examples of Standard Templates
- New for 2018: Add your own plant-specific text after our plant info (if there's room), add full price details.
- Add your logo and choose your plant names colours.
- Stadard template sizes: A5 Landscape, 8"x6" Landscape, A4 Landscape with full plant information.
- A4 Portrait Poster for Plant of the Week and Plant of the Month.

Examples of Personalised Templates

Plant Information for Bed Cards
Two styles of bed card text – "classic" for experienced gardeners and "benefits" for new gardeners (this excludes horticultural terms that new gardeners don't understand – see HortWeek's article about the importance of this).
14,300+ UK plants available in the library, using the UK's finest information (and you can even add plants or tailor the information, should you ever wish to). The library includes both houseplants and outdoor plants. We publish hundreds of new plants every few months to meet client requests for additional plants.
Plant names and AGM status checked against RHS records and updated yearly.
Plant information developed by plant expert.
Easy-to-use service designed by experts in web design & based on requirements from customer research.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I get printers and bed card blanks?
Where can I get "Never Tear" paper?
Where can I get "label tracking" and bed cards frames?
Could you print bed cards for me (I don't have a printer)?
- We do not supply pre-printed bed cards.
- For some customers who require a bulk batch of bed cards to be printed by an external print house at the start of the season, we are able to supply artwork to a number of print houses we work with. These arrangements are agreed on a case by case basis. If you require this service, please contact us to assess your requirements.
Can I add my own information to your tool?
- Yes, if the free upgrade for "Adding plants" has been applied to your account.
- You can also make your own copy of a plant we have published and change any of the data, eg to alter heights and spreads and hardiness details to suit your location.
Would you correct information that I think is wrong?
- Yes, if your "correction" is valid.
- There is an option in the tool to notify us of "data quality" issues. We review any issue sent and respond appropriately, either by making a correction, or giving an explantation and advising you to make your own copy with your suggested correction.
- It's important to bear in mind that some plant data is variable given location of planting position and different suppliers of the same plant may not agree on their precise attributes.
To print your own bed cards, please contact us:
Email: info@joyofplants.com
© Joy of Plants 2011-2019