“Availability” added to Plant Finder
When are plants normally on sale?

General seasonal availability now in both Plant Lists and on Plant Pages
Press Release
Nov 11, 2024
“Plant availability” now added to Plant Finder
Garden centres: do your customers ask for plants “out of season”?
Great news, our Plant Finder now answers “when is a given plant generally available to buy?” – to let staff and customers know when they can expect to find a particular plant in your centre:
Seasonal availability on Plant Pages
As well as appearing on a Plant Page (above), availability info appears for plants in a plant list, eg in search results:
Seasonal availability in Plant Lists
To create this information we spoke to leading plant suppliers we work with, and asked when they deliver their plant varieties to garden centres.
And if a garden centre stocks a plant range out of season, they can easily add their own availability details for that plant to their Plant Finder.
If you’d like to find out more about the Plant Finder and our other services for garden centre staff and customers, please get in touch on 07717 532323 or at info@joyofplants.com
Many thanks to the many wonderful plant breeders, growers and suppliers who collaborate with us to produce the UK’s #1 Plant Finder for websites, webshops and touchscreen Kiosks – find them on LinkedIn:
#thinkwyevalenurseries #taylorsbulbs #newleafplants #jamesmcintyre #goldengrovenurseries #fairweathersnursery #farplants #whartonsgardenroses #genesisplantmarketing #bransfordwebbs #seiontnurseries #javadouk #petermoore
Founded in 2011, Joy of Plants’ mission is to make plant information easy and accessible to all. It has created a library of more than 16,000 UK garden plants and trees, each with detailed info, attractive photos and sales-oriented descriptions.
It provides this plant info in a variety of Sales tools including a Plant Finder for websites and in‑store Touchscreen Kiosks, an Image and Text Library for ecommerce sites, and print‑on‑demand Bed Cards, to help garden centres, retailers and growers maximise their plant sales.
For further details about Joy of Plants, which is based in Twyford, Berkshire, contact us on 07717 532323 or at info@joyofplants.com, visit www.joyofplants.com, or follow the company on LinkedIn via www.linkedin.com/company/joy-of-plants